Day 2 Mobile App Update: $8,945 of $10,000 raised!


(Kickstarter link is here:

We’ve almost hit our target and it’s been less than two days from launch!

First, a sincere thank you to everyone who backed us or shared the app on social media: you guys rock!

Since it looks likely that we will hit out target, it’s time to consider some “stretch goals” – extra things we can spend any funds above the $10,000 raised on.

We have five ideas. Most of the ideas will work on both the current website AND the mobile app so feel free to comment even if you don’t plan on using the smartphone version.


1. Add UK/Canada and EU prices and currency. Also add MTGO prices and currency (tix).
2. Add all/almost all foreign printings of cards, along with prices.
3. Support multiple conditions (played/ heavily played etc.)
4. Update prices every 15 to 30 minutes (recent sets only).
5. Add a “camera” option for bulk card upload (take a photo of a stack of card names, import them into your collection).

Your feedback will help us decide on the order in which we do these things to please comment below!

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8 thoughts on “Day 2 Mobile App Update: $8,945 of $10,000 raised!”

  1. 4. Update prices every 15 to 30 minutes (recent sets only).

    I like to know trends as soon as they happen.

  2. Number 5, that would be sweeeet. It’s be even better if you export a pure text version after taking a picture – to throw into PucaTrade and Deckbox.

  3. 2. At least included foreign black border 3rd edition that is sooooo important for duals….

  4. >Number 5, that would be sweeeet. It’s be even better if you export a pure text version after taking a picture – to throw into PucaTrade and Deckbox.

    We actually have a full text export that you can import into puca/deckbox already. We’re also looking at adding some kind of pucatrade integration directly.

  5. MTGO prices would be nice.

    The camera upload option would be wonderful, but seems like a step function harder to implement than some of the others.

  6. Number 5 or a similar scan function would ne very cool. My 5$ are forma that πŸ˜‰

  7. The camera function would be amazing, although realistically, maybe not practical. I would love a Card Condition option, though, and how that would affect the buy/sell price. After all, some people just want the card, and don’t care if it’s mint. If you can get the same card twenty bucks cheaper, why not?

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