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Weekend Recap for July 13th 2014


[Editor’s note: Apologies for the late posting and lack of images here. We’ve had some major technical issues over the weekend with our host.]

by Jim Marsh

Every week, some cards from Magic the Gathering increase and decease in value based upon a number of factors.

Let’s take a look at some of the cards whose values have changed the most and the factors behind why those changes have occurred.

10 Big Winners of the Week

10. Isochron Scepter (Mirrodin)

From $5.57 to $6.22 (11.67%)

Isochron Scepter is a casual favorite. It’s effects can range anywhere from just giving out incredible card advantage to being oppressively powerful depending on what is imprinted on it.

Even something as simple as a repeatable Lightning Helix or Remand is nothing short of insane. I have seen imprinted Ravnica charms do some serious work in commander and casual games in out groups.

It has now been almost two years since the reprint in Duel Decks: Izzet vs Golgari. The player base has grown and with it a desire to imprint Abrupt Decay.

The artifact is seeing play in a few very fringe Modern decks including a Polymorph Control deck and a Golgari Control deck.

This has strong potential in many cubes, commander decks and casual decks of all varieties.

Right now the spread is very thin. The lowest vendor is selling them for $3.79 which is not a very far cry from the highest buylist price of $3.51.

I would encourage trading for them and watching them grow slowly and steadily.

9. Haakon, Stromgald Scourge (Coldsnap)

From $2.90 to $3.34 (15.17%)

Johnnies love a good challenge. How would you like to play a commander that you cannot cast? This one requires more hoops than Phage, the Untouchable.

That does not mean that it is no good in the ninety nine. You can still use Pull From Eternity and go to town.

There is a Modern Jund Pox build that uses it to abuse repeatable Nameless Inversions.

There have also been people brewing with them to rebuy Knight of the Reliquary in Junk Loam decks.
Modern jund poxabuses nameless inversion

I have a soft spot for the card because of how unique it is but I would not trade aggressively for it. So far all of its attention has been from experiments that have not really had any results to speak of.

8. Ratcatcher (Dissension)

From $2.53 to $2.92 (15.42%)

Standard is getting ready to rotate and everyone is wondering what to do with all of those Pack Rats that are no longer worth anything.

You can put together a pretty impressive casual rat tribal deck.

Ratcatcher is an often overlooked but potentially powerful inclusion. I would look into Swarmyard as well.

Ratcatcher lets you tutor for answers like Chittering Rats or powerful threats like Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni. It still lets you draw your cards so you can still feed them to Pack Rats while progressing your strategy.

It can also find toolbox cards like Marrow-Gnawer for a big finish.

There is a very close spread at the moment. The highest buylist is $1.35 and the lowest vendor is $1.60.

This would be an easy inclusion in a trade and could start showing more growth as the year continues.

7. Eidolon of the Great Revel (Journey into Nyx)

From $5.23 to $6.05 (15.68%)

This card is on fire. The full four copies are being played main deck in burn decks in Standard, Modern and Legacy.

The Legacy burn deck sports the most impressive winning results with a semifinal finish on July 6th in the SCG Open in Worcester. This came just a few weeks since the deck put itself on the radar by winning an SCG Legacy Open.


Rotation is often the high point for aggressive red decks in Standard. I think we will see $10 in the next few months.

I would trade for these as I expect them to hold value for a long time to come.

6. Reliquary Tower (M13)

From $2.06 to $2.46 (19.42%)

Reliquary Tower is still doing surprisingly well for an uncommon with two printings that has not seen any real competitive adoption.


Some Modern Eggs lists run it since they tend to draw so many cards each turn.

It is a popular inclusion in commander decks but it is a format that just needs one copy.

I find these in bulk or get them as toss ins. Most people do not realize the value.

5. Flame-Wreathed Phoenix (Born of the Gods)

From $1.48 to $1.81 (22.30%)

I think everyone wanted Tribute to have a bigger impact than it did. Flame-Wreathed Phoenix is the poster child for the mechanic. Both sides are powerful cards but it is like playing a split card where your opponent gets to pick the half you get.

As I have mentioned Red is always a popular and powerful choice when the card pools are at their lowest. Some are hoping the Phoenix will rise from the ashes of dissappointment.

This hope has led to opportunities. You can buy these as low as $0.45 and sell them for as much as $0.60.

I still have some reservations since the slot for four mana creatures will have stiff competition in the form of Purphoros, God of the Forge and Fanatic of Mogis.

4. Galerider Sliver (M14)

From $1.54 to $1.89 (22.73%)

M15 brought a lot of crazy cards to the card pool. I do not think anyone bet one more slivers though. The next three months M14 and M15 will combine and we will find out if there is a critical mass of slivers to create a cohesive and powerful sliver deck.

Which way will it go? No one including the vendors knows. It is literally a coin flip. Does anyone have an extra copy of Krark’s Thumb handy?

There is no spread at all. Some vendors will sell these for a dollar and others will buy them for a dollar.

Here is one thing I do know. Casuals will always love slivers. This will maintain some value long after it has rotated from standard. I never feel bad having some solid slivers sitting in my trade binder.

3. Firedrinker Satyr (Theros)

From $0.61 to $0.79 (29.51%)

Last year’s Mono Red Devotion decks are hoping for a resurgence in the fall. Do you have any leftover Firedrinker Satyrs?

You can use them in the popular Boros Burn deck and get access to powerful spells like Warleader’s Helix and Chained to the Rocks.

You can also take advantage of being able to buy them for $0.22 and sell them for $0.35.

2. Battlefield Forge (9th Edition)

From $2.59 to $3.42 (32.05%)

I keep mentioning red decks. This is the enemy painland I am most excited for.

An aggressive deck does not mind losing a few life points for switching between Shock and Chained to the Rocks.

Battlefield Forge is even being used in Modern Boros Burn decks alongside Boros Charm and Lightning Helix.

We will find out soon if Khans will be a wedge block in which case you can use the Forge to help your WUR and WBR decks.

I would try to pick up a few of the painlands in drafts or trades but given how many printings they have I would be hesitant to spend or trade too aggressively for them.

1. Hall of Triumph (Journey into Nyx)

From $0.54 to $0.73 (35.19%)

I know we are basically looking at a bulk card that is now a slightly better shade of bulk. The nice thing is that you can still trade for these for practically nothing. I would get as many copies as I could for under a dollar.

The Hall is a colorless anthem. You can use these and the M15 Paragons and suddenly monocolor devotion decks can become very real threats.

This card can also go into any Commander deck that runs a lot of creatures. Any commander with token synergies will want one and you can be certain that almost all of your creatures will share a color.

5 Big Losers of the Week

5. Ajani, Caller of the Pride (M13)

From $8.09 to $7.04 (-12.98%)

This planeswalker still suffers from only being played in standard.

It is not all hopeless though. The vendors paint an optimistic picture. The spread is still surprisingly small. Vendors will sell them to you for as little as $4.72 but will still give you up to $4.51.

Rotation is coming. You need to get out now if you have not already. At least there are decent outlets.

4. Spirit Mantle (M12)

From $2.56 to $2.00 (-21.88%)

Spirit Mantle is still only seriously used in Modern Bogles. Even in that deck only two copies are used.

The power of the deck gives us hope. It has gotten 4-0 on some online dailies for the people that are not just drafting Vintage Masters until their eyes bleed.

It also has some nice financial opportunities. It buylists for $1.50. You can find a few copies for a dollar or less. There is even a copy out there for $0.25.

This negative spread extends to the Planechase copies as well. They buylist for $1.80 and can be purchased for as little as $1.50.

A few Modern Top 8s would go a long way to making this spike.

3. Thousand-Year Elixir (Lorwyn)

From $3.40 to $2.63 (-22.65%)

Thousand-Year Elixir has taken a little dip. It was reprinted in the Bant Commander 2013 deck featuring Derevi, Empyrial Tactician. If the shelves of my local Targets and Walmarts are any metric it was the least popular of the decks.

It is an interesting effect and can be used effectively with Elvish Piper, Master Transmuter or other crazy tap abilities in commander and casual decks.

Competitively is is only used in Legacy MUD and sometimes not even then.

I love when cards take a dip because not everyone updates their prices at the same time. This creates a disparity in value.

The Lorwyn copies can be purchased for $1.48 and sold for $2.01.

The Commander 2013 copies can be purchased for $0.30 and sold for $0.75.

2. Chord of Calling (Ravnica)

From $37.61 to $25.93 (-31.06%)

This staple of Modern Kiki Pod and Melira Pod is coming to M15 and a standard near you. There is still no telling what decks it will be used with but the flood of new copies has caused the original printing to go into freefall.

This is not a bad thing. It lets new players get access to cards that they can use to transition to modern and lets financiers purchase copies for $15.99 and sell them for $20.47.

1. Delver of Secrets (Innistrad)

From $0.82 to $0.24 (-70.73%)

This one is almost certainly either a mistake in pricing or just someone who really hates Insectile Abberation. Any way you slice it there is a cheap copy of Delver that I absolutely encourage purchasing.

It is all over Modern and Legacy in almost every color combination that includes Islands. It is played in UR, BUG, RUG, UWR and even 4 Color Delver decks.

It may only be a common but due to being two sided and being so powerful it will be nearly impossible for Wizards to reprint it. I would get my play set and sit on them for the rest of your life.

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Weekend Update 7/5/14

By: Jim Marsh

Every week, some cards from Magic the Gathering increase and decease in value based upon a number of factors.

Let’s take a look at some of the cards whose values have changed the most and the factors behind why those changes have occurred.

10 Big Winners of the Week

10. Chandra, the Firebrand (M13)
From $3.73 to $4.16 (11.53%)

Chandra, the Firebrand is a planeswalker in an interesting place. Her power is entirely dependent on the context in which she is played.

She can really shine in a format where there are powerful 1/1 or 2/1s.

She needs to be in a deck with powerful spells that are worth copying.

This puts her in a great place in certain Commander decks and Cubes.

I feel that the $3 range is certainly too low for any planeswalker including Tibalt. I do not know of any other reason why she is seeing an increase at this time.

This does not mean that she is without financial merit. Right now you can buylist her for $2.50 which is almost the same price as the lowest vendor at $2.54

Any time you can get a card for the same or better than buylist is a chance to get stock and an exit strategy with minimal risk.

9. Trickbind (Time Spiral)
From $4.74 to $5.38 (13.50%)

One day someone is going to run a Modern deck that runs Trickbind and Shadow of Doubt just to mess with people trying to use Birthing Pod or fetchlands.

It will lose but it would be a great way to troll the metagame.

Trickbind is a terrific sideboard and I have wondered why it was half the price of Shadow of Doubt. It is marginally more splashable and has Split Second at the expense of a cantrip.

It is also the closest thing to Stifle we have in Modern. The right deck for it to hate on has not quite surfaced but now is a pretty good time to grab a few.

The lowest vendor price is $3.50 and buylists have already climbed to $3.25.

8. Admonition Angel (Worldwake)
From $5.18 to $5.90 (13.90%)

Admonition Angel is a mythic rare from Worldwake. That set was only opened in very limited quantities for a short period of time. The third set in the block was Rise of the Eldrazi which was a large set.

If you are opening up a Worldwake pack and pull a mythic we all know that everything looks like a consolation prize compared to Jace, the Mind Sculptor.

It is still an angel that provides a form of removal or a roundabout flicker effect.

It has casual appeal written all over it.

It is also on the list of cards with a negative spread. The lowest vendor is selling it for $3.00 and the highest buylists are offering $3.50 so you can turn these into a little cash as well.

7. Enchanted Evening (Shadowmoor)
From $4.63 to $5.34

I cannot find any competitive decks that are running Enchanted Evening but I can guarantee you casual Johnnies are working to break it.

It can be an interesting fit for Prison or Enchantress decks and has amazing synergies with constellation cards.

The increase in demand has pushed buylists to $3.50 while copies can still be found for $3.28.

6. Llanowar Wastes (10th Edition)
From $4.14 to $5.09 (22.95%)

Just a few weeks ago I could find painlands alongside bulk nonbasic lands for a quarter a piece.

Those days are over for now.

This is their fourth printing so I doubt we will see them hitting $10 but everyone who plays standard will need their playsets of the appropriate colors.

The scrylands a slow but offer a free scry so I expect to see them continued to be used in midrange and more controlling decks.

Painlands will be used by aggressive and combo decks who do not mind sacrificing a few points of life to win a turn earlier.

If the rumors are true that Khans of Tarkir will be a wedge block then we could see Llanowar Wastes played in Junk and BUG builds.

Those are usually slower decks that will grind and opponent over the course of the game. I would suggest trading these for other enemy painlands.

5. Yavimaya Coast (9th Edition)
From $4.92 to $6.08 (23.58%)

Yavimaya Coast is only slightly better off than Llanowar Wastes.

It would be useful for BUG or RUG decks. It can also be used in Bant hexproof decks.

I expect this to have a more stable price over the course of the next year. It even sees some limited play in Modern Bant Pillow Fort which is a deck almost as funny as its name implies.

Trade your Llanowar Wastes for Yavimaya Coasts if you have the chance.

It at least comes in the colors of degenerate things like Prophet of Kruphix.

4. Mesmeric Orb (Mirrodin)
From $2.18 to $2.75 (26.15%)

Mill has long been popular strategy with casual players in every format conceivable.

Mesmeric Orb looks innocuous but for the low investment of a couple mana lets you mill you opponents for doing sill things like tapping lands for mana or tapping their creatures to attack you or use abilities.


This is even one of the few milling strategies that translates well to multiplayer.

This is another card that has a narrow margin between vendors buying and selling the card.

You can get them for $1.75 and sell them for $1.50.

I would just buy a play set and sit on them. The power of mill has caused slow and steady growth in a number of cards. I would feel comfortable sitting on these for a while with a minimal investment.

3. Eidolon of the Great Revel (Journey into Nyx)
From $4.03 to $5.23 (29.78%)

In Standard, Modern or Legacy your burn decks want to play with a full four copies of Eidolon in the main deck.

The ability to attack as a 2/2 for two mana and get in a free shock if they use removal spell has made this card a staple.

Modern and Legacy are defined by their powerful two and three mana cards.

This led to a first place finish in the SCG Legacy Open last week and a 9th place finish this week when everyone came prepared.

Rotation is looming and when the card pool is the smallest quick aggressive decks tend to do very well

I do not normally advocate picking up cards that are already on the rise but this is one you will want to hold onto.

Journey into Nyx was also drafted less than a normal third set would be with Conspiracy nipping on its heels only weeks after release.

2. Flames of the Blood Hand (Betrayers of Kamigawa)
From $1.31 to $1.75 (33.59%)

Burn decks are on fire and every Modern burn deck runs Flames of the Blood Hand either in the main deck or in the sideboard.

It helps overcome speed bumps like Kitchen Finks or painful interactions with Archangel of Thune.

This is a card I have found in plenty of bulk boxes so you can still find them relatively easily.

They are buylisting at $0.89 and you can purchase them for as low as $0.70.

If you want to double up on the life hating fun you can find Skullcrack for as low as $0.25 and sell them for as much as $0.50.

1. Battlefield Forge (9th Edition)
From $2.27 to $3.74 (64.76%)

Of all the enemy painlands I am most excited about Battlefield Forge.

Boros Burn has already has a presence in Standard and Modern.

This card is well positioned to help power out that early burn and Boros burn spells like Lightning Helix and Warleader’s Helix help recover the life without missing a beat.

I expect this to be the fastest growing painland this fall.

5 Big Losers of the Week

5. Ajani, Caller of the Pride (M13)
From $7.99 to $6.63 (-17.02%)

Ajani has had a busy year. He started out Calling the Pride got into Mentoring Heroes and is now incredibly Steadfast.

Caller of Pride is powerful as a three mana planeswalker but it has been printed twice and is now getting ready to rotate.

It has not seen any adoption into Modern so its price is just getting ready to take a big hit.

You can still sell them for up to $4.51 which is fantastic considering the lowest vendor is selling them for $4.75.

I would unload them while I could.

4. Shadowborn Demon (M14)
From $5.90 to $4.77 (-19.15%)

Shadowborn Demon has seen some play recently in BG and Junk Standard decks but no one uses him in Modern. Casual decks have many more tempting demons to play with.

It will be going down to $2 to $3 sooner rather than later. I would get out. The only thing that will save it from being bulk is the fact that it is a mythic rare demon.

3. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (PLC)
From $36.34 to $28.27 (-22.21%)

Modern and legacy

Modern Jund, Dead Guy Ale 4 Color Loam, BG Obliterator

Legacy 4 Color Loam, Pox



Low Vendor 19.95

High Buylist 21.61

2. Chord of Calling(Ravnica)
From $38.11 to $27.82 (-27.00%)

From Melira Pod to Kiki Pod and almost every Pod variant in between Chord of Calling does some heavy lifting.

It provides redundancy and helps keep toolbox decklists consistent.

The announcement that it was being reprinted in M15 caused a great stir in price. This is great as a financier.

It has huge appear to Timmies and Spikes alike.

Some places are dropping the price more than others. We can profit from the discrepancies.

You can buy these as low as $19.99 which is great if you have been meaning to pick them up anyway.

You can also sell them for $21.61 which is great if you want to sit out Modern season. You can sell them now

(or better yet a month ago) and buy replacement copies for a fraction of the cost in a month.

1. Garruk Relentless (Innistrad)
From $4.15 to $1.99 (-52.05%)

Garruk Relentless is only played in Legacy Nic Fit but any planeswalker with five abilities should have a higher price tag than this. It is a double sided mythic rare planeswalker tied heavily into a storyline interaction that has already occurred. This makes it one of the toughest cards to reprint in Modern.

I would grab some cheap copies before the price bounces back.

Weekend Update for 6/28/14

By: Jim Marsh

Every week, some cards from Magic the Gathering increase and decease in value based upon a number of factors.

Let’s take a look at some of the cards whose values have changed the most and the factors behind why those changes have occurred.

10 Big Winners of the Week

10. Black Market (Mercadian Masques)
From $9.47 to $10.38 (9.61%)

Commander games are usually multi-player affairs that last a long time and leave a lot of bodies in their wake.

Black Market watches all of this carnage and rewards you with a plethora of black mana every turn.

Braid of Fire is the only other card that benefited so much from the removal of mana burn.

There should always be something to do with all of that mana, from recasting your Commander to playing a huge Exsanguinate.

This will always have casual appeal and the more people that adopt the format the better it gets.

I think it is safe to sit on these for a while. The current rules makes this too powerful to reprint in Standard and I doubt Wizards will stick it into a new Commander deck.

9. Enchanted Evening
From $4.20 to $4.63 (10.24%)

Journey into Nyx just brought us Constellation and fueled dreams of abusing Enchanted Evening and enters the battlefield effects.

This is pretty much for casual fun. I have not seen any competitive decks try this out.

The interest has created a chance to cash in on any copies you have been sitting on or pick up some cheap copies.

You can get them as low as $3.28 and they can be sold for $3.50.

I would sell or trade these away but I would look at foil copies of Ethereal Armor or Sphere of Safety. Those are cheap and should have some long term casual value for Prison decks of all sizes. Ethereal Armor also sees play in Modern Bogles.

8. River of Tears (Future Sight)
From $8.19 to $9.12 (11.36%)

Future Sight brought some of the coolest lands ever designed into existence.

Grove of the Burnwillows and Horizon Canopy have already found homes in Modern and Legacy decks.

Filterlands show up in some Modern builds.

Nimbus Maze has never really found a home.

River of Tears is one of most interesting because it gives you the mana you need for a disruptive UB Control deck exactly when you want it. Black mana on your turn for Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek. Blue mana on your opponent’s turn for Spell Snare or Remand.

Modern Faeries is the only deck that fits that description. A lot of players dreamt of Faeries dominating Modern when Bitterblossom was unbanned but it has yet to make a dent in the metagame.

I would happily trade these away to pick up some cheap Innistrad enemy color checklands.

7. Phyrexian Tyranny (Planeshift)
From $2.38 to $2.73 (14.71%)

Nekusar the Mindrazer has been one of the most financially relevant Commanders that has ever been printed. Ironically this is because everyone bough the Mind Seize deck to open up other cards.

They sold True-Name Nemesis and Baleful Strix and then had a ninety-eight card commander deck staring at them begging to be played.

Nekusar turns group hug decks on their ears. Instead of placating everyone when you announce everybody gets to draw extra cards off of your Wheel effects you bring ruin and destruction.

Phyrexian Tyranny just makes the kill come that much quicker.

Every turn you are bleeding either life and mana. Either option keeps you and your combo safe. I like these as toss ins since they were bulk so recently.

If you are sitting on them I would start trading them away. There is not a lot for them to grow and the decks that need them only run a single copy.

6. Pyromancer Ascension (Zendikar)
From $8.13 to $9.35 (15.01%)

Modern Season is here but we have yet to see any major results from UR Storm it is undeniably a powerful deck. Jon Finkel has played the deck to impressive results.

This was the trap. Not everyone is Jon Finkel. Outside of the fetchlands the deck is actually pretty cheap to put together. People will want to try it out will fail to put together the combo before they are swarmed by an army of angry Pestermites or Tarmogoyfs.

I love the card but would advocate trading these into the hype.

5. Hero’s Downfall (Theros)
From $4.83 to $5.58 (15.53%)

Hero’s Downfall took a hit when it was reprinted in the Born of the Gods Event deck.

It was also featured in the heavily drafted Theros.

Conspiracy is here and with M15 only weeks away the supply is about to plateau.

It is also well positioned as the best removal in one of the most dominant decks in Standard.

The finals of GP Chicago was a Mono-Black Devotion mirror match and plenty of creatures met their end to this instant.

In fact the Top 8 featured 19 copies of the card and almost all of those were played main deck as a full play set.

It is used in every black deck including Orzhov, Esper, Bug and Junk decks of all varieties.

Planeswalkers and creatures will not be safe for at least another year.

It has yet to see much Modern adoption but I would not rule out the possibility. If you play Standard I would make sure I had my play set.

This card and Thoughtseize already give the deck some of the best disruption available. Now we just need more black cards to be printed.

This is probably the lowest we will see the card. I would stock up on these and look to unload them around the third set of Tarkir next year.

4. Furyborn Hellkite (M12)
From $2.53 to $2.99 (18.18%)

What a casual hat trick! It is a mythic rare, dragon and it is huge.

It certainly makes an impressive entrance onto any battlefield and if you are running him alongside Marchesa, the Black Rose he can make that entry over and over again.

Unlike many dragons he needs a special place to be reprinted. He uses the Bloodthirst mechanic which has already been repeated so it cannot just be jammed into any random core set.

I also like that he is a cheap pickup at $0.92 with vendors willing to pay up to $1.50 for him.

3. Cemetery Reaper (M12)
From $1.54 to $1.87 (21.43%)

Commander games are known for whacky themes and big crazy creatures.

This card helps you build your army of the undead while hosing graveyard and reanimation strategies.

I like the idea of having lords for popular tribes but with his three printings I am not very bullish. I would trade these into whatever hype is moving it towards $2.

2. Breathstealer’s Crypt (Visions)
From $1.37 to $1.67 (21.90%)

Here is nice little addition to Nekusar the Mindrazer commander decks that most people probably do not even remember.

If you find it someone has probably had it rotting in their trade binder since Visions. I expect the customary Nekusar bump especially as supply is sure to be short.

This enchantment continues the life loss theme while denying your opponents creatures. I could easily see this being a $2 to $3 card as it catches on.

You can currently find them as low as $0.99 while being able to sell them for $1.06.

1. Eidolon of the Great Revel (Journey into Nyx)
From $8.47 to $12.31 (45.34%)

Eidolon of the Great Revel may just be everything that Satyr Firedancer wanted to be was wasn’t.

It will play a role in red burn decks for its entire time in Standard. Keep an eye out this fall. When rotation comes and the card pool is the smallest aggressive red decks usually fare pretty well. Some deck brewers are trying to figure out the new format but there are always those that just want to convert cards into damage as quickly as possible.

The number amount of scrylands that are being played also make this format slower so you can get in several quick strikes before some decks are even set up.

This is not why our Pyrostatic Pillar on a bear is increasing in value.

Modern burn decks are trying them out and they have seen success in Legacy burn decks as well. This weekend at the SCG Open in Las Vegas Bryan Cambidge won the tournament with a red burn deck that ran the full four copies main deck.

The biggest improvement over Pyrostatic Pillar is the ability to attack and the fact that creature removal is more prevalent than enchantment removal.

Why is that upside? When your opponent casts Abrupt Decay, Lightning Bolt or Swords to Plowshares to kill your creature you get a free Shock.

Legacy is a format almost entirely defined by its powerful two and three mana cards so almost every spell your opponent casts brings them closer to a lethal Price of Progress or Fireblast.

Imagine every Tarmogoyf, Delver of Secrets, Stoneforge Mystic and even Daze cutting into their life total.

The field was full of Elves which attempt to spam the board with cheap one and two mana creatures before powering out a huge Craterhoof Behemoth.

With Eidolon on board they would die partway through their combo.

If you want a cheap deck to look into Legacy Burn is one of the most budget friendly and powerful.

Legacy players like their shiny cards so the big movement on these will be the foil copies.

That does not mean that there are not opportunities with the regular copies.

Copies can be purchased for as low as $0.75 and Buylists are paying up to $2.70.

This is a card I would be trading aggressively for.

5 Big Losers of the Week

5. Legion’s Initiative (Dragon’s Maze)
From $2.36 to $2.00 (-15.25%)

Legion’s Initiative had promise but failed to pay off. Rather than assembling attackers for Battalion, Standard Boros decks are all about burning out your opponent.

Rotation is coming and with it the last of the Legion’s prayers.

I would sell now. Vendoers are still paying up to $1.25 for them.

You can even find copies for a $1.01. If you can trade these from friends trying to unload them you could turn that into some quick cash.

4. Tooth and Nail (Modern Masters)
From $7.99 to $6.77 (-15.27%)

Casual, commander

Low vendor 3.9

High buylist 4.05

3. Amulet of Vigor (Worldwake)
From $4.36 to $3.68 (-15.60%)

Amulet of Vigor surprised Modern players earlier this year by coming out of nowhere to use Ravnica bouncelands to power out an early Hive Mind for a win with Pact of Negation.

It quickly went from bulk to almost $10 but a lack of results has caused a steady decline in the price.

I would not count it out. Modern season is here and I think that it is getting to its floor. It is a known quantity now so it is no going back to bulk pricing.

I would look to see if you could pick a few up. It already has seen potential. Any results could cause it to shoot back up.

2. Dimir Doppleganger (Ravnica)
From $3.85 to $3.19 (-17.14%)

This card may see play in some Commander and casual decks as a way to hate out recursion and copy your opponents creatures. It was just not popular enough to need to the reprint in Conspiracy.

People have been tearing open Conspiracy packs looking for Dack Fayden and just having a blast. This has been driving down the prices of the some of the reprints.

Fortunately you can still make a little money from there.

Vendors are listing these at $1.99 each and some are willing to buy them at $2.34.

Fear Not. Your card will not go unsold.

1. Adarkar Valkyrie (Modern Masters)
From $4.05 to $3.09 (-23.70%)

Ardakar Valkyrie is an angel which gives it casual appeal. It is evasive and has Vigilance to it can always attack, block and make use of its powerful ability.

It is reusable recursion but the reprinting in Modern Masters appears to have over-saturated the market. You only need one copy to play Commander and so it has been in a steady decline for the past few years.

The good news is I do not think it can call much farther. I think it will level off around $2.50 or so.

The better news is that you can buy these at $0.90 and sell them for $1.07.

Weekend Update for 6/19/14

By: Jim Marsh

Every week, some cards from Magic the Gathering increase and decease in value based upon a number of factors.

Let’s take a look at some of the cards whose values have changed the most and the factors behind why those changes have occurred.

10 Big Winners of the Week

10. Doubling Season (Modern Masters)
From $17.99 to $19.66 (9.28%)

It looks like the prices of Modern Masters are converging with the prices of the original editions.

We all know that Tarmogoyf and Dark Confidant prices actually rose shortly after Modern Masters came out. There was a large increase in the demand for Modern staples but there was very short supply.

Several of the cheaper rares took heavy hits but now they are recovering.

Perennial casual favorite Doubling Season is broken with almost anything that deals with counters from hydras to Planeswalkers.

I expect this to continue to grow steadily for a long time to come.

Even some of the cheap Modern Masters cards are giving wise financiers opportunities to profit.

The Electrolyze from Modern Masters has a negative spread of $0.11. The lowest price you can by them for are $0.89 and the highest price that they are bought for is $1.00.

This may not sound like much but a little free money here and there can add up quickly. Any time you can purchase a card at or below buylist price is as close to a guarantee as you can get.

I am in such a generous mood that I am going to be mentioning fifteen opportunities for arbitrage in this article.

Here is one more from a Modern Masters. The common Lava Spike is part of a cheap red burn deck. The lowest vendor has it listed for $0.95. There is a store listing it on their buylist for $2.00.

You will not find many better opportunities to double you money.

9. Primordial Hydra (M13)
From $6.79 to $7.43 (9.43%)

Primordial Hydra is a mythic rare that was included in M12 and M13.

Interestingly enough it works really well with the aforementioned Doubling Season.

It has serious casual appeal but it is easy to slide into any core set that is missing a big green mythic. It could also be used in any supplemental product.

I remain cautiously optimistic. So do vendors.

The low price to purchase one is $4.90. The highest buylist is $5.00.

That may not be a lot but you will never go broke making a profit.

8. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir (Time Spiral)
From $16.79 to $18.71 (10.19%)

Modern season is officially on. This rare from Time Spiral sees play in a variety of decks from Scapeshift, Ad Nauseam to even Blue Moon and some UWR Control builds.

He is also an oppressive commander.

Last month he suddenly shot from $8 to $34 overnight. That did not last long.

$16 appears to be too low. I could easily see him jumping to $25 or $30 if he sees play on camera in a favorable matchup.

He was in From the Vault: Legends so I do not expect more copies on the market any time soon. This may be the new lowest price that he will see.

I would not rush out to buy him but I would not mind trading for him.

7. Scion of Oona (Modern Masters)
From $4.74 to $5.24 (10.55%)

When Bitterblossom was unbanned in Modern faerie fans everywhere started brewin.

The Scion sees play in UR Faeries but I could easily see him showing up in UB faeries builds. Keep in mind that he can give your Bitterblossom shroud in response to removal. From there it helps your free flying tokens get bigger.

He is also an arbitrage opportunity.

You can buy him for only $2.50. The highest buylist is only $2.51 so I would not rush out to sell them but you will want to have some handy when other players at your LGS are trying to build their faeries decks.

I know that one was not too exciting so let me give you another one.

Flickerwisp from Modern Masters is another valuable uncommon that has some arbitrage potential.

You can buy it for $3.49 and buylist it for $3.50.

When the margins are that thin I actually would not sell them but it is a great chance to buy staples for Legacy Death and Taxes and Modern GW Hatebears.

6. Sword of Fire and Ice (Modern Masters)
From $41.99 to $46.59 (10.95%)

Sword of Fire and Ice is a staple in Modern, Legacy, Cubes, Commander and is playable any time you can get your hands on it.

It can be a steady stream of removal and card advantage while providing protection from burn and bounce alike.

In Modern it is used in UR Delver and BW tokens. I expect everyone that bought the Modern Event deck will be looking to turn the Sword of Feast and Famine into Fire and Ice.

In Legacy it is used in Death and Taxes and Esper Stoneblade among others.

I do not see this going down or getting another reprinting for a long time. This is a great card to trade for and sit on.

5. Shivan Reef (9th Edition)
From $8.09 to $8.99 (11.12%)

Modern UR decks of all shapes and sizes are using this to supplement Steam Vents and Cascade Bluffs.

The decks most likely to run them are UR Storm and UR Twin since they plan to combo for the win before the incremental life loss matters.

I do not see a lot of room for growth here. I think it will hit its cap around $10. If we ever see enemy color fastlands I think Shivan Reef would be out of a job permanently.

Here is a little bonus for Affinity players (or people who want to make some money from Affinity players.)

The Cranial Plating from Planeschase is selling for as low as $1.00 and there is a buylist offering $3.60 for it. That lets you make money even after you purchase a Fifth Dawn copy to replace it.

4. Tooth and Nail (Modern Masters)
From $7.17 to $7.99 (11.44%)

Tooth and Nail was one of the most powerful cards in Mirrodin that was not an artifact or interact with artifacts in any meaningful way.

It is still a fun way to power out some fatties in Commander and casual combo decks.

It not only provides card advantage but also financial opportunity.

Vendors are listing them as low as $3.90 and buying them for as high as $4.80.

I would grab as many as I could and turn them into pieces of paper with Abe Lincoln’s face.

3. Thraximundar (Alara Reborn)
From $4.78 to $5.35 (11.92%)

I mentioned last week that Thraximundar is recovering from being thrown out of leftover Mind Seize decks.

He is a powerful commander in his own right and he works well with the Conspiracy mythic Marchesa, the Black Rose.

He price is on the rise and vendors are taking note.

You can buy him for $3.49 and sell him for $4.01.

His peak was around $8 to $9 and it looks like the vendors feel he is going right back.

2. Bridge from Below (Modern Masters)
From $4.38 to $4.99 (13.93%)

Even though Manaless Dredge has not been posting very high results it is still a fun and affordable way to test out Legacy. It does not require dual lands, Force of Will or any of the usual suspects outside of Cabal Therapy and Ichorid.

The pieces of the deck have been inching higher.

Right now it has a very low spread. The lowest vendor is only $3.42 and the highest buylist is $3.00.

That is a clear indicator that future growth is expected.

I would get your hands on these. Most of the rest of the deck is still surprisingly affordable as well.

I would get some cheap Golgari Grave-Trolls and Chancellor of the Annex.

1. Elbrus, the Binding Blade (Dark Ascension)
From $2.49 to $2.99 (20.08%)

Elbrus, the Binding Blade is the kind of flavorful cards that Johnnies and casuals enjoy.

It starts off as a Bone Saw that costs seven mana.

However it has the potential to become a game wrecking 13/13 legendary demon with flying, intimidate and trample. Then it becomes grows larger every time someone dies. This card screams multiplayer casual appeal.

You can cheat the blade into play with Stoneforge Mystic or Quest for the Holy Relic and go to town or accelerate into the steep casting cost.

The bottom line is it is a double sided mythic rare from Dark Ascension. This is one of the less opened sets from the past few years since Avacyn Restored

The fact that it is double sided makes it nearly impossible to reprint. We have already seen some movement with Garruk Relentless.

I normally do not advocate getting into something that is already experiencing a spike but the price of the card is based entirely on casual appeal. These types of cards experience slow and steady growth. The price is still low enough to get on a few and wait a few years.

5 Big Losers of the Week

5. Nightveil Specter (Gatecrash)
From $5.12 to $4.24 (-17.19%)

Standard is getting ready for M15 and then rotation.

Blue and Black devotion decks both ran the Specter but they do not have the stranglehold on the metagame that they used to.

Every week you hold onto these you will be losing money. I would trade them away as quickly as possible. Maybe someone will trade them for a Thraximundar or Bridge from Below.

4. Pithing Needle (Saviors of Kamigawa)
From $3.36 to $2.77 (-17.56%)

Rotation will not hit Pithing Needle the same way it did Nightveil Specter.

It gets played in a variety of Modern and Legacy sideboards. It is on its fourth printing but I do not see this going lower than $2.

Even that is pessimistic. The original is the most valuable and vendors want their stock.

You can buy them for $1.42 and sell them for $2.13.

Speaking of Legacy and Modern staples that are going to rotate soon, Morningtide Mutavault provides another nice avenue of prosperity.

These are a little steeper at $22.00 but you can sell them for $26.32.

3. Cyclonic Rift (Return to Ravnica)
From $4.28 to $3.45 (-19.39%)

Cyclonic Rift is going down. It is a very lopsided Upheaval in Commander and even sees occasional play in Modern Mono U Tron.

I do not think this has very far to fall before settling.

I still would not hesitate to trade it for a pair of Pithing Needles.

2. Phenax, God of Deception (Born of the Gods)
From $5.23 to $4.21 (-19.50%)

The gods are at an interesting place. We do not know what Tarkir has in store for us yet. Each of the fifteen gods offers powerful incentive to play their respective strategies.

Phenax is no exception. The big question is how much support would a milling theme have without the Dimir in Standard.

Regardless there is a lot of casual appeal to the strategy.

Phenax has also apparently deceived one of his sellers.

You can find him for $0.85 from a vendor and turn around and sell him to another for $2.82.

Never underestimate the desires of the gods to meddle in mortal affairs.

1. Spirit Mantle (M12)
From $2.56 to $2.00 (-21.88%)

This casual favorite aura is played in Modern Bogles and commander decks everywhere.

It is also one of the most striking arbitrage opportunities I have seen. You can buy it for $0.25.

There is a buylist offering $1.50.

If making back six times what you invested does not excite you then I do not know what will.

I offered you fifteen arbitrage opportunities but I only count thirteen.

You know what that means?


Conspiracy is being opened by rabid drafters and multiplayer fans alike.

We know that several Legacy and Cube staples are being reprinted. The set in not a limited release so many are still wondering exactly what impact this will have on the original cards.

Confusion leads to opportunity.


The price is dropping and is currently $24.74. Some places have it dropping more than others.

You can now find these for $15.50. There are sites offering $17.15 on their buylist.

By the time you get your check you will probably be able to by another copy and then some.


Stifle is currently $32.61.

You can find it from the lowest vendor for $17.75. That is reasonable.

You can sell it for $23.39. That is unreasonable in your favor.

I hope someone uses all of this information to make some money.