Category Archives: Uncategorized

Change is afoot!


An absurd number of changes have happened at over the last 6 weeks and almost none of them were clear to the users.

Firstly, I’d like to say yes, we are still here. We’re building something for the long-haul and this site isn’t going away any time soon.

We will post a full update on all the changes on Thursday. In the meantime, I’ll give a quick overview of what changed:

1. We completely rewrote the way we gather card information. The old way simply wasn’t working any more and we wanted to focus on quality above all else. This meant that the card listings were out of date for almost a month. This has now been fixed.

2. Foils have been added! You can see the first day’s worth of foil data up now. We haven’t added the foil prices to the autocomplete yet but that will come in a day or two.


3. Many features have been removed. We’d like to focus further on quality over quantity of features and the ones we rolled out initially were simply too buggy to keep around. We’ll bring them back gradually as they get tested thoroughly.

Now that the essential “back-end” overhaul is finished, we can finally get back to building a great site for you, the users. The next three weeks will see over 100 improvements to the site, including a completely new design. Check back on thursday for more details!

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ADVERTISEMENT: scoops the new ChannelFireball “Ramp” decklist

Time to stock up on Huntmaster of the Fells!

Kelly Reid and the folks at just posted a fresh take on Ramp      from ChannelFireball. Primeval Titan already made our “top 5 biggest changes” list today and this deck contains four of them.

If this deck does well, expect titans, and huntmasters to continue to go up in price (check out the volume graphs on Huntmaster – note that ChannelFireball had ZERO in stock at the time of the last scan).






You can find all of’s coverage here:

Guest post on Dark Ascension pricing on MTG Realm!

Check out the new guest post on MTG Realm here:



We are now tracking prices from!

By request (from ChannelFireball) we are now tracking prices for almost all of their cards. Since we don’t have a good idea about volume yet and we are still testing some things, these prices will NOT be included in the Fair Trade Price calculations or the “lowest price” button for several weeks until we are sure all the kinks have been worked out with the integration.

As you can probably see, the card price graph is getting somewhat cluttered as we add new sources. This page is currently undergoing a substantial rework – expect to see a revised page with better design up by the weekend.

Additionally, we have clarified our development goals for the next few weeks. Our top priority is to improve the single-card pages to add more data, even more accurate graphs, more information about a card and a better design. We are also cleaning up a few cards that have missing images or are missing a price from one or more vendors.

Additionally, we are trying to decide on the best approach when a vendor is out of stock. Should we show the price they are listing the card for even when they have none in stock or should we show a price of zero instead? MTGMintCard is a big offender here – they are out of stock of most of the older cards and have them listed for very odd values (often 75% lower than other vendors). We mostly ignore these large deviations in our Fair Trade Price calculations but it still makes for an odd-looking graph.


As always, we welcome your feedback, either below or at


Happy Trading!