Lots of small improvements


We added lots of small improvements and bug fixes this morning. Some examples:

  • Ebay prices for certain big cards were misleading. For example, we found an alpha black lotus for $2.95 plus $15,000 shipping. With thinly-traded cars, we often have to rely on a simply average of list prices. The ebay prices were throwing this average off so we added some more sanity checks to ensure that the Fair Trade Price really is a fair one.
  • By default, we now don’t show any vendor on the graph that currently has zero items in stock. You can see how much the vendor charged historically by clicking the checkbox next to that vendor’s name.
  • We significantly (around 1000%) increased the speed of certain key pages. Ultimately, our goal is to have every page on the site fully loaded in your browser in less than 2 seconds, including images.

Other than that, we’re working hard on bringing the collection/ wish list tracking with alerts. The plan is to open this up to people who have signed up to be early beta testers within the next week and to everyone a few days after that.

Good trading to all of you!

Track your collection's value over time, see which cards moved the most, track wishlists, tradelists and more. Sign up at MTGPrice.com - it's free!


Collection tracking coming!


If you’ve tried to log in recently, you may have noticed that, well, you can’t. We have taken certain features of the beta down for a couple of weeks to rebuild the user interface. “But mtgprice.com,” you may be saying, “how could it possibly be improved?” We’re glad you asked.

The new main page (in development)

This is a snapshot of our new main page, currently in development (and therefore subject to change). From this page you will be able to access your collection along with two new features: a wish list and alerts. The wish list will allow you to add cards you “wish” for to a “list.” It’s a little bit like a jump-to-conclusions mat. The “alerts” feature will let you know when there’s been a significant price change in a card you’re watching.

You might also have noticed our new logo! We hope you like it.



The collector dashboard (in development)

From this page you will be able to track your collection, along with the current value of each card and the value of the collection as a whole. This is also where you can add to your wish list and create alerts.

We’re incredibly excited for the coming changes! We hope you find the site useful and maybe even fun. We take your feedback very seriously, so please don’t hesitate to give it. There’s always someone watching the inbox.




Track your collection's value over time, see which cards moved the most, track wishlists, tradelists and more. Sign up at MTGPrice.com - it's free!


Six new vendors added to card pages!

We’ve added six more major US-based vendors to the default card pages. Ultimately, our goal is to track the top 15 sources of magic singles in the US on the default page (with many more available for more advanced analysis).

We are still planning on adding Amazon (almost done) and Troll and Toad – are there any other major stores that you’d like to see added?

NOTE: We are mostly interested in the very biggest US-based sources of Magic singles for now. In the next few weeks, we’ll show how we use data from the smaller stores when we announce an exciting new addition to the site. For now, we don’t want to clutter the screen too much with smaller stores.

As always, we welcome your feedback, either below in the comments or via email to webmaster@mtgprice.com !


Track your collection's value over time, see which cards moved the most, track wishlists, tradelists and more. Sign up at MTGPrice.com - it's free!