By James Chillcott (@MTGCritic)

5 Winners of the Week

Most of the movement this week is coming from the ever-shifting Theros/Khans standard format, with new cards ascending and some old favorites slowly falling from grace. Let’s have a look at what’s up:

1. Master of the Unseen (Fate Reforged, Rare): $2.00 to $3.73 (87%)

It should come as no surprise that the week after this card dominated the finals of Grand Prix Miami it is suddenly in high demand. Some are worried that the G/W Manifest deck is the new boogeyman of standard, but I suspect that the metagame rolling into the release of Dragons of Tarkir will keep shifting and ensure that variety is still the defining element of the season. That being said, this is a winter small set rare, it fits into a bunch of decks, and therefore may be able to hit $4-5 before it rotates in winter 2016. As such, I’m ignoring the voices calling to sell and advocating a clear hold on this card looking for further profits. Of course if you were smart enough to stockpile at $.50, by all means do as you will.

Format(s): Standard

Verdict: Hold

2. Citadel Siege (Fate Reforged, Rare): $0.62 to $1.04 (68%)

Add this one to the list of underrated Fate Reforged rares that are just going to work in Standard lately. The ability to tap something down on the attack or drive home more points of damage via the application of counters provides a ton of versatility, though in the U/W Control builds that are running it, the tap function is king. I have no interest in outing cards under $3-4 period, so I’d recommend holding this one for a while if you are sitting on them as U/W could just be getting started in Standard.


Format(s): Standard

Verdict: Hold

3. See the Unwritten (KTK, Mythic): $3.00 to $4.70 (57%)

As noted last week, this is rising on the premise that either Dragons or Eldrazi will make it an essential component of a deck before it rotates next winter. I’m holding until September and you should likely do the same unless this pushes into the $6-8 range early, in which case, go for it since it won’t ever find a home beyond Standard play anyway.

Format(s): Standard

Verdict: Hold

4. Thassa God of the Sea (Theros, Mythic Rare):  $4.81 to $7.08 (47%) 

As detailed last week, Thassa and Master of Waves have both gained well in anticipation that Blue Devotion will once again be a deck. Depending on how early you got in on your copies, you could easily be looking to out by now, but I’m holding because I believe the deck will make a Top 8 before it rotates and lock in stronger profits.  As one of the better Theros gods I’m also fine holding these for the longer term as necessary.

Format(s): Standard/Modern/EDH/Tiny Leaders

Verdict: Hold

5. Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund (Alara Reborn, Mythic): $11.91 to $15.24 (28%)

With all the dragon hype leading into the release of Dragons of Tarkir, it’s hardly surprising to see some of the better casual dragons rising. Karrthus is one of the baddest of the bunch, and I’d feel comfortable selling into the hype if I had any lying around as it’s unlikely to enjoy much more of a bump once the summer doldrums hit.

Format(s): Casual/EDH

Verdict: Hold


 3 Top Losers of the Week

1. Soul of Theros: $7.82 to $3.61 (-54%)

Soul of Theros got its’ moment in the sun in the Soul/Whip decks earlier this season, but the deck isn’t seeing much play these days, and rotation for M15 isn’t too far off, so I’d expect this to keep sliding down towards bulk heading into summer. Time to sell.


Verdict: Sell


2. Stoke the Flames: $4.95 to $4.42 (-11%)

Don’t get it twisted. This is still the best spell in Standard, and will be for a few more months, but it’s natural for it to be shedding some value heading towards rotation. Unload your extras soon, because this doesn’t have a future beyond Standard.

Verdict: Sell

3. Monastery Mentor: $25.28 to $22.89 (-9%)

This card is seeing play in multiple formats, but it’s not dominating anywhere. I think foils are still the key play, but I’m also hoping for a moment of weakness this summer shortly after the release of MM2 when we can swoop in and scoop up regular copies in the $12-15 range for future returns above $30 a few years down the road. The card is very, very good and just needs the right pieces to pair it with in any given format to be a great move.

Verdict: Sell (to buy in later)


Quick Hits

  • I’m having trouble imaging a better spec than Abrupt Decay at present. There are plenty of copies around $12 lying around. Sure, it was $6 a year ago, but it will likely be $20-25 by next year and there isn’t a reprint coming until at least MM3 which may or may not appear in summer 2016, depending on how the MM2 release goes. Either way, if you’re fooling around with long shots (as I tend to) and don’t have many of these stashed away yet (As I do) you might want to rethink where you’re parking your money.
  • Snapcaster Mage is appreciating VERY nicely and pretty much right on schedule. Many of us were stockpiling around $20 at rotation, and now have easy outs for a double up. This was the last Abrupt Decay, get it? If you’re holding, you can wait for a possible $70-80 peak within the year, or just get out now and reinvest into something with a bigger upside, like say Abrupt Decay.
  • With the currency shifts between the USD, Euro and Canadian dollar, there really are a lot of arbitrage opportunities to be had on big ticket items if you’re willing to do some math and shop by phone across borders. Get to it.
  • If I have to choose between the Dragons of Tarkir planeswalkers I think you’ve got way more upside trying to snag Sarkhan around $20 than you will buying into Narset above $30.

James Chillcott is the CEO of ShelfLife.net, The Future of Collecting, Senior Partner at Advoca, a designer, adventurer, toy fanatic and an avid Magic player and collector since 1994.

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MTGFinance: What We’re Buying/Selling This Week (March 14th/15)


By James Chillcott (@MTGCritic)

One of the most common misconceptions about folks involved in MTGFinance is that we are constantly manipulating the market and feeding players misinformation to help fuel achievement of our personal goals.

It recently occurred to us here that though we dole out a good deal of advice, most of you ultimately have very little insight into when we actually put our money where our collective mouths are pointing. As such we’ve decided to run a weekly series simply breaking down what we’ve been buying this week and why. These lists are meant to be both complete and transparent, leaving off only cards we bought without hope of profit, where appropriate. We’ll also try to provide some insight into our thinking behind the specs, and whether we are aiming for a short (<1 month), mid (1-12 month), or long (1 year+) term flip. Here’s what we were up to this week:

Buying Period: March 8th -14th, 2015

Note: All cards NM unless otherwise noted.

James Chillcott (@MTGCritic)


  • 8x Descent of the Dragons @ $2.10 per
  • 14x Descent of the Dragons @ $3.15 per
  • 4x Descent of the Dragons @ $3.25 per
  • 28x Dragon Tempest @ $1.55 per
  • 8x Dragon Tempest @ $1.05 per
  • 8x Sidisi, Undead Vizier @ $4.15 per
  • 16x Master of the Unseen @ $2.00 per
  • 2x Tasigur, The Golden Fang (Foil) @ $24.15 per
  • 1x Command Tower (Judge Foil) @  $22
  • 3x Duress (IDW) @ $3
  • 1x Faithless Looting (IDW) @ $3


  • 3x Duress (IDW Promo) @ $13 per ($3 cost)

I’m going relatively deep on Descent of the Dragons and Dragon Tempest on the basis that a lot of people are underestimating their combo potential in Standard alongside the long overlooked Battlefield Thaumaturge and mana dorks. The deck shell is basically based around a fairly normal Temur early game that suddenly transforms into an instant kill. Basically if you have 3 creatures in play, with Thaumaturge being one of them, and a Dragon Tempest in play, you put 12/12 worth of Dragons into play and instantly do 9 points and then attack for 12. This can happen as early as Turn 5. The deck can lean on Sarkhan Unbroken, Hour of Need and Stormbreath as backup plans and just play a more midrange game if the pieces aren’t drawn fast enough. I predict that the deck in some form hits at least Tier 2 in Standard, and an on camera appearance should be enough to double the price of both cards. If it fails to perform however, these are pretty bad long term specs as their future in other formats may be dubious at best.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier is my pick for one of the top 3 cards in Dragons of Tarkir, as his power level seems extremely high. With DoT facing a longer rotation schedule than the last two sets, there is a good chance this card tops $8-10 at some point in it’s play life.

As for Tasigur, my early call that he was underrated has come true, and I now expect this guy to be a multi-format player for many years. As such, I’m still buying foils while selling my non-foils.

There was a run on the judge foil Command Towers this week, and I managed to snag a copy before the price spikes.  I also managed to snag a few additional copies of the IDW promos via back issues at my local comic shop.

On the sales side, a pretty quiet week, but I did sell into the buyout on IDW promos by unloading a handful of the  Duress at a triple up, with several more held back to test the new price plateau.

Travis Allen (@wizardbumpin)




44x See the Unwritten @ $1.25


  • 10x Order of Whiteclay @ $1.93


  • 8x Aggressive Mining @ $.20
Travis says:
“With Battle for Zendikar on the horizon for fall 2015, players are going to be excited about See the Unwritten in conjunction with Eldrazi. It doesn’t even need to end up being good for there to be a great selling window; we just need people to be excited about it for long enough to get out.
I wrote Order of Whiteclay down as a Tiny Leaders spec a few weeks ago. The other day I noticed there were very few copies left on the retail circuit, so I picked up some on eBay to follow through.

Aggressive Mining is a cool potential combo piece that was cheap from a vendor I was already buying from.”

Guo Heng Chin (@theguoheng)

Nothing to report this week.

Jared Yost

Nothing to report.

So there you have it. Now what were you guys buying and selling this week and why?

James Chillcott is the CEO of ShelfLife.net, The Future of Collecting, Senior Partner at Advoca, a designer, adventurer, toy fanatic and an avid Magic player and collector since 1994.

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My Upgrades From Dragons of Tarkir

By: Cliff Daigle

I play a lot of Commander games. I used to play even more, but with my family’s growth the last couple of years, my EDH time isn’t what it used to be. Nonetheless, I keep my decks updated when new sets come out. I usually tell people to know what they will take out before you go and add new cards, but I usually end up getting the new card and then figuring it out.

I am working from an incomplete spoiler. Next week, I’ll be completing the list and targeting prices.

I can’t remember if I have introduced you to my six decks, so here we go!

Existing Commander Decks

Commander: Adun Oakenshield
Philosophy: “Creatures rule!”

This deck has six noncreature spells: Lavalanche, Xenagos, the Reveler, Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Green Sun’s Zenith, Lurking Predators, and See the Unwritten. Everything else is a creature, and I want to focus on spell-like creatures in this deck. Mostly, it’s enter the battlefield effects, but I keep some others around like Viridian Zealot in case of Torpor Orb.

Commander: Kaalia of the Vast
Philsophy: Wreck some face!

I have spent the time and energy and money to get this manabase ‘perfect.’ There’s three fetches, three duals, three shocks, three filters, three buddy lands…you get the idea. This is my most competitive deck, capable of the fastest kills, and the most expensive, due to the Angel foils that just keep climbing! I have a mix of Angels, Dragons, and Demons because I don’t want to choose just one!

Commander: Garza Zol, Plague Queen
Philosophy: Shiny Vampire Control

I didn’t intend for this to become my all-foil deck, but it happened. I kept finding shiny replacements, and then it was just a few cards…and now it’s done. The vampire tribe is surprisingly strong, dating back to 2011 Standard: Bloodghast into Nighthawk into Nocturnus can end even Commander games fast. I’ve got a lot of fun and flexible control cards, and my MPR cards are here too.

Commander: Sliver Queen
Philosophy: For the Swarm!

This is my token deck. I try to have about a third of the cards be an army contained on one card, including Planeswalkers that make tokens. Everything else contributes to big mana and winning more. It’s five colors but light on nonbasics, so I use a lot of green mana fixing.

Commander: Experiment Kraj
Philosophy: Incredible abilities without going infinite

While I have lots of fun ways to untap Kraj for profit, I’ve shied away from any infinite-mana shenanigans. I found that style of deck to be unfun. The best card in here is probably Reveka, Wizard Savant, as a great way to deal damage.

Commander: Balthor the Defiled
Philosophy: Rise and rise again!

This zombie tribal deck is a lot of fun, as I have lots of mass reanimation and that’s what the general is for as well, sorcery-speed mass return. The combination of Vengeful Dead and Noxious Ghoul do a lot of work, and a sneaky-great zombie is actually Gutless Ghoul, giving a sacrifice for profit.

Pickups from Dragons


Dragon Tempest – Kaalia decks are going to love this card. Very few Angels, Demons, or Dragons don’t have flying, and having Kaalia enter with Haste is quite awesome. This will be a strict upgrade over Fervor for me. I will be trying to get a foil around $3-$5, but this will be a bulk card before long.


Shaman of Forgotten Ways – I’ve tried Somberwald Sage in decks in the past, and found it underwhelming. Acceleration and fixing are not as needed in 99-card formats. The additional ability on this, though, is an ability that has been deemed too good on a sorcery: Biorhythm. I will be picking this up from every trade binder I see it in. I want regular ones around $5 by the end of April. The foils will probably not go below $20 for a while, if at all.


Sidisi, Undead Vizier – Just amazing in my zombie deck. I’ve no shortage of things to Exploit for profit, and this is something I’ll be happy to do over and over again. This appears to be good enough for Standard, so I think it’ll stay between $5-$10 for the next couple of months. Foils should easily be $15, if not more.


Sarkhan Unbroken – I will put one of these into my Sliver Queen deck, because of the token ability. I will never ultimate this, since there aren’t any Dragons in that deck. The first two abilities are just so good, you’ll need to have him in a dedicated Dragon deck to ever really have the ultimate be worthwhile. I think this is one of the best cards in Standard, if you can cast it, and I have a hard time thinking this will be less than $30 at any point. I want a foil, but I’m not going to drop $100 on it.


Risen Executioner – Another easy addition to my Balthor deck, as it’s a zombie lord. I might sometimes pay the tax on recasting this, but mostly it’ll be there alongside Cemetery Reaper and the like. I think this will be a bulk mythic fast, and the foils should hover around $5.

silumgarscommand (1)

Silumgar’s Command – I’m already playing Spite//Malice and I’m trying to decide if this is good enough to be included as well, or if I’ll just be replacing it. I’ve got Countersquall as well, so I’m going to try and fit this in. Bloodlord of Vaasgoth just isn’t pulling his weight…

I expect this command to be around $1/$4 for the foil, and I’m okay picking it up at that price. The modes are good enough that I think it’ll keep value for a while. The ‘noncreature spell’ part is most relevant, as there’s few enough creatures that need countering. That’s what Wrath effects are for.

Those are the five cards I’m planning on adding, next week with the full spoiler I’ll talk about some of the cards that are almost there, and the ones you’ll see a lot in casual games.

On an unrelated note, I want to clue you all in to Channel Fireball’s “Yard Sale” and a finance trick I’ve been using for years.

Full Disclaimer: I don’t work for Channel Fireball, though I do live in driving distance of their shop. This month, they are having a series of sales, and it’s the sort of thing that Star City has done, and other sites too. Systematic sales are your chance to exchange cards at a fair rate with full value.

Allow me to explain. Normally, when you deal with a vendor, you are never going to get the full retail value of your card. You’re going to get around 40-50% of its value in cash, and maybe 70-80% if you choose store credit.

These wide-scale sales allow you to get cards at enough of a discount to make it tempting to trade directly with a store. Here’s an example:

Hero’s Downfall has a Fair Trade Price of $7.54 as I write this. Anafenza, the Foremost, has a FTP of $7.81. I would happily trade my Downfall for your Anafenza, since it’s so close in price. However, lots of people are savvy to the fact that Downfall is going to rotate out in a few months and tank in value, while Anafenza has nowhere to go but up as a Standard card and a Tiny Leaders powerhouse. So you would have trouble finding someone to make this trade with.

Enter the vendor’s sale. Channelfireball will give four dollars in cash for Hero’s Downfall, with a 30% bonus for store credit ($5.20) and their sale currently has Anafenza down to $5.99. This is not perfect, as you see, but it’s pretty close and it’s an effective tool to use when a vendor decides to hold a sale.

You don’t have to spend the store credit during the sale, but doing so allows you to treat a vendor as a trading partner who gives nearly equal value, which is something that doesn’t happen often. Enjoy!

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Guessing Game

By: Travis Allen

I started out this week planning on writing about GP Miami, reviewing what had done well and placed in the top sixteen, and providing some outlook on Standard cards for the next few weeks. It was while working on my Dragons of Tarkir review that I realized this was a foolish endeavor – with Standard about to change again, who knows what will be good in a week? An entire brand new set is around the corner, and with it will bring an evolving metagame. Rather than spend all day today reviewing a Standard that’s about to evolve, I’ll touch on it briefly, and then provide a look at PAX East through a financial lens.

Standard Procedure

The biggest winners to come out of this weekend were Whisperwood Elemental and Mastery of the Unseen. Whisperwood already doubled a few weeks back, but he’s crept up from the $11-$12 range a week ago towards $13-$14. It’s completely safe to sell excess copies here. There’s an outside chance he climbs towards $20, but why get greedy? Take your profit after he took down the top two slots of a Standard GP and move on.

Mastery of the Unseen, by the way, should already be in your trade binder or for sale somewhere. Prices have already started dropping in the last few days, as many expect it not to hold the short term. It may have rocked the GP this weekend, but nobody is going in blind next week. There will be plenty of hate for GW Mastery decks, and that will make it tough to put any copies into the top eight.

One note on this topic is that while Mastery, and the deck as a whole, may contract in the coming weeks, we should remember through the summer how well it performed. Supply is high and Mastery is part of an in-print set, so prices are currently restricted. If numbers have fallen off to sub-$1 by July or August it may be wise to snatch some up. A great deal of the deck in its current form is from Theros, but Mastery and Whisperwood are really the key cogs in the machine. As long as BFZ brings us green mana producers and a single card with a mana sink like Genesis Hydra or Polukranos, the deck may explode again.

PAX East

At this year’s PAX (don’t go to pax), Wizards once more dropped a load of spoilers on us, including the aforementioned Battle for Zendikar set in the fall. Even without formal confirmation, there are a few things we can almost completely count on:

  1. Eldrazi
  2. Fetchlands
  3. Full-art basics
  4. Landfall
  5. Allies

Last we saw the Eldrazi, they were busy consuming Zendikar while our intrepid heroes ran away. Heroically, I’m sure. I have no doubt they’ll still be hanging around munching on the scenery this time through. The Lithomancer’s story from the latest Commander product tells us that Kozilek, Ulamog, and Emrakul have been around for a very long time, so I’m guessing we’ll see revised versions of them rather than a new slew of legendary Eldrazi. I’m also anticipating a new mechanic that isn’t Annhilator, since that is just a zero on the fun scale.

Our important takeaway here is to keep an eye out for giant-monster enabling cards. I particularly like See the Unwritten, which I’ve picked up several sets of for myself. Summoning Trap saw play on and off in Zendikar, and hit a price of maybe $3 or $4 at it’s peak. Trap was a rare though, while Unwritten is mythic. Being a sorcery stinks, as does having to actually pay for it, but on the plus side, you get to flip two creatures if you have Ferocious enabled, and the cards go into the yard, which means you are enabling a boatload of Delve. In fact, an Unwritten completely powers up a Treasure Cruise on its own. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for other cards in Khans that may be particularly powerful in a set with landfall mechanics or gigantic creatures. Knight of the Reliquary was cheap as dirt before the fetches of Zendikar rolled around, and then she hit $20. Fetches are already in the format so we aren’t getting any boosts along that line, but similar “plays well with the next block’s mechanic” spikes may be out there.

A good lesson to learn here is that cards don’t actually have to be good in order to rise in price. Speculation alone could push Unwritten into the $5-$8 range if people get excited. If you had picked up cheap copies ahead of that, you could dump into the hype, and then not care one bit whether the deck actually put up results. As long as expectations are there, the price will be there, and that’s all we need to care about on a spec like this.

Fetches are highly likely to show up. It seems weird running them back-to-back, but there’s a developmental advantage to this. Putting the fetches in running blocks reduces the number of sets that they have to design with fetches in mind. Those lands set constraints about what cards work and don’t work, and if you do one right after the other, you get overlap. Khans already works with fetches, and so will Zendikar, so putting them next to each other means you have to spend less time working within those particular parameters.

Subsequently, now is the time to move all your spare Zendikar fetches. The upside of holding on is so small, so remote, that there’s just no reason to expose yourself to so much risk. I’m holding onto my personal sets, because I’d rather have them and burn some value than deal with trading them away and reobtaining, but I recognize that decision may not be for everyone. If you decide to sell, get them out there, cash out, and move on to greener pastures. Like See the Unwritten. Hah.

A return of full-art basics won’t devalue the ones you have, but it will make them grow a lot slower. Up until now I’ve been holding all of the ones that came through my possession, hoping they’d climb into the $4-$10 range like the Unhinged ones did. There’s no chance that coming to pass now though. I don’t plan on selling mine, because I like having them, but if you can get reasonable numbers for yours, you shouldn’t feel bad about moving them. A second batch of full-arts means we’re almost never going to see Zendikar full-arts worth more than two or three bucks. Foils will be completely immune to all of this though. Don’t sell those if you can avoid it.

Not a lot to say about Allies and Landfall at this point. We can be relatively sure they’re coming, but I’m not sure how to capitalize on that financially at this point. Maybe Harabaz Druid jumps? I don’t know.

Two questions I’ve been asked at every single Magic event I’ve attended in the last few weeks: “Is Goyf in MM2, and if so, what will his price be?” The former was an easy answer, and the latter is far trickier. If you’ve been reading MTGPrice for awhile you may remember I talked about how Goyf would actually increase in price due to his presence in the first Modern Masters run. This time around I’m less sure.

Part of the original reason Goyf increased in price was because the presence of Modern Masters brought a lot of new players to the format, but it didn’t give out enough copies of Goyf to satiate the new demand. For every ten people that started building Modern decks, only one set of Goyfs was opened. The result was that demand further increased its lead over supply. This time around, there will supposedly four times as much MM2015 as the original MM, although I can’t find the source for that. Assuming that’s somewhat accurate, with so many players already invested in Modern, and a much larger print run available, it seems as if far more supply will be added to the system than demand this time, which of course results in lower prices. Yes, pack prices are higher by $3, which would work to increase the cost of Goyf, but I’m not entirely sure how much of an impact that will ultimately have.

If I’m right, and Tarmogoyf does drop in price, how low is he going? While his price feels insurmountable at $200 today, keep in mind it wasn’t too long ago he was $130.


A little over a year ago, last January, a Modern Masters copy was as low as $130. Future Sight copies were similarly discounted. I expect we’ll drop back into that range, and perhaps even slightly lower. My broad range on his price, once settled, is in the $100-$160 ballpark, with $120-$150 the more probable range. This of course is purely speculative, and you should treat it as such. I could end up way off the mark here.

Karn Liberated is joining us again this summer as well. We weren’t sure if he would be in MM2015, but it was reasonable to expect he’d show up somewhere this year. You definitely want to be getting rid of copies. While Goyf’s price is in question, Karn’s is most certainly not.

One more point I want to make regarding MM2015 is the density of playables. The original Modern Masters had fifteen mythics, of which nine were constructed-viable. (The five Kamigawa dragons and Sarkhan missing the mark.) That’s a 60% rate of useful mythics. About twenty-ish of the rares were playable outside of FNM, for a rate of near 38%. For a set that’s designed to reprint format staples and put important cards in player’s hands, those numbers feel rather low to me. Only twenty-nine total constructed relevant rares and mythics? I’m going to run through the latest Modern IQ and pick out all of the rares and mythics that I think may need a reprint within the next year and see how many I come up with.

Snapcaster Mage
Creeping Tar Pit
Abrupt Decay
Cryptic Command
Maelstrom Pulse
Serum Visions
Fulminator Mage
Sower of Temptation
Vendilion Clique
Splinter Twin
Blood Moon
Crucible of Worlds
Aven Mindcensor
Dark Confidant
Liliana of the Veil
Vedalken Shackles
Leyline of Sanctity

That’s twenty-one viable reprint targets, twenty-five if you consider the entire cycle of Worldwake manlands. Keep in mind this is only one event, too. I’m sure if I went through a few weeks of Modern IQs I could find plenty more cards in need of greater supply. The takeaway here is that not everything is going to be reprinted, and there are quite possibly going to be more cards that spike in price because of their absence rather than cards that crash because of their inclusion.

Origins will bring it Legendary-Creature-into-Planeswalker flip cards that should all be quite nifty. I sort of expected the front of Liliana to be GW, given that she’s wearing Selesnya colors in the artwork and everything, but I suppose that would violate color rules handily. Not much to discuss on the Planeswalker front; they look cool and will probably be expensive.

With flip cards back on the printing press, It’s possible to see a return of Delver of Secrets. Even though I’m sure Wizards isn’t keen on introducing the menace to Standard again, reprinting them is a pain in the ass, and they may take the opportunity to do it while they can. We’ve had a real paucity of good cheap blue and white spells in Khans, which may hint at a return of Delver.

I’m not sure what to make of Garruk Relentless or Huntmaster of the Fells returning. Both are marquee flip cards, but would take up valuable mythic slots, and not fit into the origins timelines whatsoever. I’d lean towards them not appearing, but time will tell I suppose.

Alright, that’s a good overview for today. The full spoiler will hopefully be up before next Wednesday, so I should have my Dragons of Tarkir review up next week. In the meantime, I’m going to go enjoy the first few days above 32 degrees fahrenheit in five weeks.